You eat right. You don’t smoke. You get enough rest and you have even eliminated all chemicals from your home. Yet at your most recent GYN appointment, you were shocked to learn that you are considered “high risk” for breast cancer. How can that be? First, know that there is no single factor that makes
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When Is the Best Time to take a Pregnancy Test?
Many people would agree that getting pregnant and having the chance to raise a child is one of the happiest moments of their lives. Knowing that you are going to welcome a little baby into your life can also be overwhelming, so knowing what to expect (no pun intended), is very important. For many women,
Read MoreWhen to See a Reproductive Endocrinologist or a Fertility Specialist?
Have you been trying to get pregnant without success? If you have made the decision that you are ready to have children and are excited about starting a family, waiting for that positive test can sometimes create anxiety and concern. You may begin to wonder if there is something wrong that is preventing a pregnancy.
Read MoreStaying Fit During Your Pregnancy
When it comes to working out and staying fit during pregnancy, there’s often a ton of mixed info and advice out there. While many women are worried if physical activity during pregnancy can harm the baby, there is no need to worry. Avoiding healthy and reasonable physical fitness activity is not necessary, especially if you
Read MoreObstetrics Vs. Gynecology
Medical terms can be closely related and sound the same, but they are not always. If you have always thought Gynecology and Obstetrics were the same specialties, you’re not alone. Gynecology and obstetrics are closely related specialties in the OB/GYN field. Many people use the terms interchangeably or refer to their doctor as their OB/GYN,
Read MoreWhy and When You Should Visit Your Gynecologist?
Many women feel nervous or uncertain before a visit to their gynecologist. To some, it means accepting that your body has changed and that you’ve taken the step from girlhood into womanhood. There are even some women who avoid the visit well into adulthood, for many different personal reasons. Going to see a gynecologist, a
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