Your reproductive system, otherwise known as your lady parts, is what sets you apart from men. The breasts, vagina, cervix, uterus, and ovaries all make up the reproductive system. It’s important to be educated about your body, so you can sense when something is wrong and seek medical attention. Here is a quick lesson on
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What Are the Effects of Smoking on Women’s Health?
Did you know that two hundred million of the world’s approximately one billion smokers are women? Women smokers face unique challenges, not only with the fact that they have poor cessation rates compared to men but because they are more susceptible to the detrimental effects of smoking on their health. Let’s explore the various
Read MoreImportance of Regular OB/GYN Appointments
A lot of women believe that visiting an OB/GYN regularly is unnecessary. Nothing could be farther from the truth! It is critical that you visit your OB/GYN on a regular schedule to ensure you remain healthy and that health problems can be detected, diagnosed, and treat early. OB/GYN For Women’s Health Doctors who specialize in
Read MoreTalking to your reproductive health physician about contraception and abortion
Two things that affect women’s reproductive health are birth control and pregnancy. A lack or failure of birth control can end in pregnancy, which is good news if planned, but bad news if unplanned. An unplanned pregnancy can contribute to many problems in several areas, including finances, career, relationships, education, maternal health, and lifestyle. About
Read MorePrenatal Care: What Happens at Each Appointment
After getting a positive pregnancy test, you may be overcome with emotions, especially if this is your first time. So, what do you do first? Do you start on preparing your baby’s room, or on buying clothes? At University OBGYN Associates in Syracuse, New York, we believe that the most important step to take after
Read MoreWhy Visit a Women’s Health Doctor for Hormonal Problems
Hormones are pivotal to many bodily functions and your overall well-being. Certain symptoms can signify you have a hormonal problem, particularly if you have women’s health problems. For instance, you may notice a change in your weight without making any changes to your diet or lifestyle, feel fatigued or irritable, have a low sex drive,
Read MoreWhen and Why Will Your Obstetrician Do an Ultrasound?
During pregnancy, your obstetrician will order or perform routine ultrasounds for a number of reasons, but they are done primarily to assess the growth and development of your baby. Ultrasound may be used from the fifth gestational (pregnancy) week until delivery, and the number of ultrasounds that you will receive during your pregnancy will depend
Read MoreYour Home Pregnancy Test is Positive: What’s Next?
If you took an at-home pregnancy test and it came back positive, you may be going through a roller coaster of emotions. It is natural to also think about what your next step should be in order to take care of yourself and the growing baby inside you. University OBGYN Associates, serving Syracuse and the
Read MoreTalking to your obstetrician about different birth control options
With the numerous birth control options available to women today, it’s understandably easy to get confused as to which one you should choose. Talking to your obstetrician about birth control gives you a platform to get your concerns addressed. Their expertise will take you closer to making an informed decision on which method is most effective and
Read MoreTalking to Your Obstetrician about Birth Control
With the numerous birth control options available to women today, it’s understandably easy to get confused as to which one you should choose. Talking to your obstetrician about birth control gives you a platform to get your concerns addressed. Their expertise will take you closer to making an informed decision on which method is most
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