Many people would agree that getting pregnant and having the chance to raise a child is one of the happiest moments of their lives. Knowing that you are going to welcome a little baby into your life can also be overwhelming, so knowing what to expect (no pun intended), is very important. For many women,
Read MoreAn Overview of Gynecological Cancer
Every woman, unfortunately, is at some risk of developing gynecological cancer, especially if you have a family history of the disease. Research shows that approximately 100,000 women are diagnosed with a form of it every year in the United States, and 30 percent of all cases result in death. Here is a basic overview of
Read MoreHow to Find the Right OB/GYN?
If you just found out that you are pregnant, guess what? You have many doctor visits in your future – up until and even after you give birth. So, since you will be spending a lot of time at the OB/GYN’s office, it is of utmost importance that you find one who is compassionate, and
Read MorePregnancy Timeline: What to Expect?
Looking down at the pregnancy test and seeing a positive symbol on the stick is a moment of revelation, the realization that you are about to embark on the journey of a lifetime, with parenthood the final destination. When you first become pregnant, a million things can go through your mind, and suddenly you have
Read MoreWhat to Do After You Get a Positive Pregnancy Test?
When your period is late, the first thing you might think is, “Could I be pregnant?” To be sure, you go to your local drugstore to purchase a couple of at home pregnancy tests. After urinating on the pregnancy stick, you wait a few minutes, and sure enough, multiple tests show positive, meaning that you
Read MoreWhen are Ovarian Cysts a Problem?
Ovarian cysts are a common occurrence in women during their reproductive years. Most often the cysts are harmless and cause no symptoms. How Ovarian Cysts Form Women are born with two ovaries, on the left and right side of the uterus, which play a vital role in reproduction and the menstrual cycle in women. Cysts
Read MoreHow Can STDs Affect My Pregnancy?
An STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease), now known as a sexually transmitted infection (STI), is a bacterial or viral infection that is contracted by engaging in intimate sexual activity (orally, vaginally, anally, etc.). One partner has to be already infected in order for the other person to become infected. It’s important to note that you cannot
Read MoreAre Bio-Identical Hormones Changing the Landscape of HRT?
For some, the idea of Hormone Replacement Therapy sounds like the plot of a new science-fiction movie; and this controversial option is not without its critics. However, many menopausal women find that this form of treatment alleviates the insufferable symptoms of an inevitable life passage they’re forced to face. Menopause is an eventuality that all
Read MoreA “Change” of Pace: Signs You May Be Going Through Pre-Menopause
She said, “But I’m only 49!” as she wiped her brow. Have you ever heard a friend utter a criticism like this in reference to early symptoms of menopause? They may actually be going through the stage known as Peri-menopause, or pre-menopause – which occurs during the time leading up to “the change”. Widely unpredictable,
Read MoreWhen to See a Reproductive Endocrinologist or a Fertility Specialist?
Have you been trying to get pregnant without success? If you have made the decision that you are ready to have children and are excited about starting a family, waiting for that positive test can sometimes create anxiety and concern. You may begin to wonder if there is something wrong that is preventing a pregnancy.
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