Pregnancy is an exciting journey – especially when you make it to your second trimester. A world of new experiences is waiting for you, and you want to ensure you enter each of those experiences happily and healthily. So, you must check in with your doctors regularly to ensure the baby’s health is on track.
Let’s talk about what moms can expect during their 2nd-trimester visit to their pregnancy physicians, including prenatal check-ups, genetic testing, and beyond, and where you can go for comprehensive OB/GYN care.
General Prenatal Health Check-Up
During your 2nd trimester visit to your pregnancy physician, you can expect your physician to track your baby’s growth, assess their fetal movements, and check their heartbeat. Let’s take a closer look at what each of these assessments entails.
Track Your Baby’s Growth
Your physician will track your baby’s growth by measuring the distance between your pubic bone and the top of your uterus. This is called the baby’s fundal height. After 20 weeks of pregnancy, your baby’s fundal height should about match the number of weeks you’ve been pregnant, plus or minus one to two centimeters.
Assess Movement
You’ll likely notice your baby fluttering and moving around 18 to 20 weeks into your pregnancy. It’s important to note that all mothers feel their baby’s movement at different times and that there is no “right” timeframe to feel this movement. When you begin to feel movement, you must share that information with your pregnancy physician.
Check Your Baby’s Heartbeat
Your physician should be able to hear your baby’s heartbeat using a Doppler instrument. This instrument takes the movement of the heart and converts that movement into sound for you and your physician to hear during your appointment. Your physician can then assess whether this heartbeat is strong.
Prenatal Testing
There are a few screenings that are available to you and your child during your second trimester of pregnancy. Maternal Medicine physicians often recommend the following screenings:
Genetic Testing
Genetic testing involves checking your baby for genetic and chromosomal conditions like spina bifida or Down syndrome. If your pregnancy physician finds any abnormalities, they may recommend a test called amniocentesis, in which your amniotic fluid is collected for further testing.
Blood Testing
Blood testing can be performed to check iron levels and check for signs of gestational diabetes. Your physician may also suggest testing your blood for Rh-antibodies. Rh antibodies are inherited proteins found on the surface of the red blood cells. These antibodies can cause complications if your baby’s Rh-positive blood mixes with your Rh-negative blood. If antibodies are detected, they can be properly treated to reduce the risk of complications down the road.
What to Expect During Your 2nd Trimester
The second trimester of your pregnancy involves more in-depth growth of your baby. About the time of your second trimester, your baby’s systems and organs should all be developed. Throughout the second trimester, you’ll see a significant change in the length and weight of your baby as it develops further.
This trimester is exciting, as mothers can begin feeling the growth of their babies within the womb. Mothers should expect to begin gaining more weight and stay away from harmful substances that may be passed through the umbilical cord.
Pregnancy Physician Near Me
If you’re entering your second trimester and are looking for a reliable OB/GYN in Syracuse, NY, look no further than University OBGYN Associates. We are proud to be experts in gynecology, obstetrics, and women’s general wellness. We offer comprehensive care to women of all backgrounds, whether they’re considered high-risk or just want a reliable physician to care for them throughout their pregnancy.
To schedule your consultation with one of our expert OB/GYNs, call our location nearest you to make an appointment. You can also use our convenient online appointment request form.